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“Naran has arrived. I feel her company. I feel her bewilderment, her introversion, and her fear. She does not comprehend why she has landed in the land of the Didelians. She is afraid to ask.”

“I feel how she partially still has the spirit of a child. I feel her infinite inquisitiveness, her restlessness, her impatience, and most of all… I feel her self-doubt. I can picture the manner in which she carries herself. She hunches her shoulders and in public places she bends her head down to deflect attention. She moves in a restless manner, as if anything and anyone can attack her at any time. She is like a scared animal. She is so similar to the rest… some hide it better than others, but they are all afraid.”

“To Naran, all her surroundings are a potential threat and judgment of her being. Her world exists in the form of competition and repercussion. Because of her anxiety she doesn’t see the hands reaching out to her, she doesn’t see the others like her, wanting to connect, letting her know they are feeling equally alone. I feel how she hurts. She feels separated from everything and everybody around her. She feels powerless. I can feel her fear, insecurity and disbelief, it is like a whirlwind; I can sense her all the way on the other end of the meadow.”

“It’s not Naran’s fault. She took the likeness of the world she dwells in. It’s all she knows. I had hoped her genes would have made her more resistant, like Idum. But I underestimated the influence of her culture. We will have to guide her; she has little time. I am curious how she will develop.” 

“Kai, my beautiful warrior of the heart, child of Sinah and Drahu, who I loved greatly. It was you who discovered Naran. This means you are the chosen Kataa, the chosen teacher. I doubted it before, but the elders have been right again. Kai is the only one who can initiate the woman in her. He will provide the space and security in which she can start to understand herself. Kai has the magic of a white wizard, the wisdom of an elder, the sight of an augur, and the strength of a lion, but he’s also hardened. While his courage runs deep, Kai’s weakness is his wounded heart. Through vulnerability, he can transform this into strength. May his journey with Naran break the walls around both their hearts.”

“It will be hard for Idum. Idum, hear my voice, my dear child and beautiful woman. Idum the brave. I am proud of who you are, and so are your grandmother and mother, with whom I speak often. Your dear mother never ceases to send her support, but I’m not sure you can feel her. You doubt yourself, you feel abandoned. More strength will be required, my brave sister. Let your intuition guide you, and never doubt who you are, even while the entire world does. The human blood running through your veins hasn’t clouded you. It has, however, made you capricious. Now that Kai’s fate has been set, it means sorrow for you. Remember the classes, remember the razor’s edge and the gambles we all have to take. Losing balance can happen with the nimblest puff when the mind is distracted by pain. I can’t protect you, it’s beyond me now. I’ve supported you where I felt capable. I hope you will stay strong and reasonable, the way we know you. Your fate is tied to Naran’s evolvement and hers is tied to Kai’s guidance. You are all equally important.”

“I sense Naran’s feelings for Kai. It is still superficial, but the fire has ignited. The process has started, the Pulse is beating stronger than ever before. I feel the wisdom Naran carries inside. Her womanhood is waiting to be discovered and honored. I can see the growth she will go through. It will happen faster than she is ready for, it will happen faster than is good for her. But we have no other choice. We only have a few months, it is difficult, but it can be done.”

“The future will reveal if my years of preparation have been enough. May all our strength surface in this time and may all the souls surrounding us, visible and non-visible, step up and safeguard our path. The cards have been laid; it is time. The initiation of the Pandects has started.”

Chapter 8

Flambeau River State Forest, Wisconsin

October 27th 2014

Deeri Speaks

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