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Fiction Author

"We Create Magic When We Do What We Love"

Godyssey book series:

A Message From Our Ancient Ancestors

Naran Stalwart is a young, introverted scientist who lives by logic and breathes facts. Imagine her surprise when she’s invited by a mysterious and secretive civilisation, called the Didelians, to study ancient magic. 

The Didelians surfaced after the Second World War. Nobody knows who they are or where they came from, but one thing is clear: they are not like other humans.

As a rational scientist, Naran doesn’t believe magic exists. However, when she learns why she was chosen by the Didelians, Naran feels a deep conviction to accept the apprenticeship. Once she does, the young scientist enters an unpredictable and exhilarating existence beyond the realm of human possibilities. Naran’s rational plans and her perception of who she thought she was are thrown into a tailspin. While Naran struggles to understand if she’s losing or actually finding herself, she discovers that the history of humanity isn’t what she thought it was and that the stakes of completing her training are much higher than she could have imagined. 

Will Naran bring back ancient magic, when the one thing she isn’t allowed to do, fall in love with her mentor, feels unavoidable?

The book series "Godyssey" is a modern grail quest that explores the roots of humankind. The books are filled with messages from the Antediluvian world that have survived throughout Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, Roman, and Medieval times and that are destined to resurface today.

The first illustrated book chapters are online! 

"A Life Lived in Fear is a Life Half Lived"

Short Stories

My story Without Curtains is the WINNER of the 2022 San Miguel Writer's Conference Fiction Writing Contest

Featured On

Hear me speak about THE GODYSSEY




Rachel White

Interview in Dutch Magazine GRAZIA


Living without a Mobile Phone for 4 years

Featured In

About Me

In 2004, as I was looking out over the Eiffel Tower with a book from Isabelle Allende in my hands, I knew it was inevitable...

 I was going to write a fiction series about the initiation of a modern woman into ancient mystery teachings.

Little did I know that I had to wait eight more years to start the process. Until then, I studied French literature at the Sorbonne IV in Paris, creative writing at Boston College, and political science at the University of Amsterdam.

In 2012, when the story finally started to flow, I instantly gave up my marketing position in Silicon Valley and moved into a self-built campervan. I desired to visit the locations where the books would take place in the USA and Europe. This crazy journey gave me lots of time to write and study Kabbalah, The Knights Templar, Ancient Greek and Hebrew, the Quadrivium (Plato), Egyptian mysteries, Norse mythology, and plant medicine. Topics I wilfully weaved into my speculative fiction series:




The series has become one Wild, Magic-Realistic, Action-Packed, World-Breaking, Perspective Shifting, Boundry Crossing, and Halluconegenic Grail-Quest.

Don't believe me?

Go Read it yourself!

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© 2023 Lianne Arends

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